• Padmasana or Lotus pose, yoga posture
Padmasana or Lotus pose, yoga posture
Padmasana or Lotus pose

संस्कृत (name in sanskrit)        –           पद्मासन

Padma means                –           Lotus

Asana means                 –          Pose

Style                              –           Hatha Yoga

Pronounced as              –           pa-dah-maa-sun-aa

Chakra                          –           Muladhara/Manipura /ajna/ vishuddhi

Repetition                    –           once with each leg on top

Level                            –           intermediate/ advanced

Padmasana refers to auspicious symbol in many yoga teachings. This is cross legged yoga posture which helps deepen meditation by calming the mind, a regular practice of this posture aids in overall blossoming of the practitioner, The lotus flower symbolizes enlightenment, rebirth, beauty, and renewal.

How to Do Padmasana

Sit on the ground with your spine erect and your legs stretched out, in front of you. Gently bend the right knee, and use your hands to place it on your left thigh. Your leg sole must point upward, and the heels must be close to your abdomen. Repeat this on the left side, Sit straight, pressing your groin to the floor. Now both your legs are crossed, and your feet are comfortably placed on the opposite thighs, Place the hands in Gyan Mudra and rest them on your thighs. Gaze toward the third eye.

Hold this posture as long as you can.

Health benefit of Padmasana

The spine is kept straight and this helps to channel the energy from the lower spiritual centers or chakras upwards toward sashastrashtra chakra. The erect spine aids the free flow of prana along the spinal cord.

Padmasana represents the opening of higher consciousness. Also associated with beauty, purity and creative energy, who attain the Lotus pose can feel incredibly stable and equilateral, almost pyramid-like in form, making it perfectly suited for meditation.


Avoid this asana if Ankle or knee injury.
